More Content = More Rankings, More Visitors & More Sales of your business and websites

Friday 5 February 2016

It’s not uncommon for a business to spend money on a new website, or a redesign of their old website, and then consider their website to be “finished”. It’s a mistake to think of your website as ever being finished though, at least it is if you want it to reach its full potential in terms of rankings, visitors and sales. You should always be looking to improve your site, and one obvious way to improve it is by adding new content.
For various reasons, which are detailed below, regularly adding new content to your site is not only recommended, but essential if you want to get to the top of Google and stay there long term. Finding, indexing and ranking content is what search engines exist for and it’s how they make their money. They need you to produce content, and they will reward you with rankings and visitors if you do.
There’s no magical number as to how often you should add new content to your website, but almost all businesses would see significant results over time if they’re able to add just a few new pages of quality content to their site each month. The more, the better, but never at the cost of sacrificing the quality of the content. 3 new good quality pages per month is preferable to 30 new poor quality pages per month.
So, what are the specific benefits of regularly adding new content to your business’s site?
Rank for more keywords
Each new page that you add to your site gives you an opportunity to target and rank for a new keyword, and the more keywords that you rank for, the more ways there are for people to find your site. Each new page won’t just rank for a single keyword either. A content rich page will rank for multiple long-tail keywords also. The individual search volumes for those keywords might be low, but totalled up it can equate to a significant amount of new traffic.
Attract more backlinks and social signals
A new webpage is a new reason for another website to link to you or another person to Like, Tweet or share your site on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. Links and social signals to any of the pages on your site boost the trust and authority of your site as a whole, and increased trust and authority improves rankings for all of the keywords that you’re targeting – not just the keyword being targeted with the new page.
Show expertise and knowledge
Can you really adequately demonstrate your expertise and knowledge in just 10 pages of content? Even if you think you that you can, the average person would consider a site with 100 pages of quality content on a topic to be more authoritative than a site with 10 pages of content. The more information and advice that you provide, the more people will trust you more, and it’s easier to sell to people who trust you.
Increase visitor viewing time
More pages of content on your site means people will spend longer on your site, and the longer someone is on your site, the higher the likelihood that they will make a purchase. The time a visitor spends on a site is also one of the factors that search engines use in their ranking algorithms. If people clicking on a particular search result spend an average of 5 minutes viewing that site, it’s a strong indication that the site deserves a better ranking than a site which has an average viewing time of just 1 minute.
Encourage return visits
If the content on your site never gets updated and added to then there’s no reason for visitors to return again and again. If you have a small site, say just 5-10 pages, visitors can see everything first time around. What’s the reason for them to return? If they know new content is added each week though, then they have a reason to return, and if that content is quality content that they find interesting and useful, they almost certainly will do.


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